The corruption and mud slinging against true conservatives (like you) who love their country and state, and stand strong in defense of our freedoms has been very intense this election cycle. THANK YOU for everything that you do, and for being willing to step up to represent Idahoans in the state legislature! I am so grateful for you and your amazing example, and am praying that God grants you great victory on election day!

"Duty is ours, results are Gods." ~ John Quincy Adams

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And please, if you're still not sure whom to vote for (aside from Christy Zito, of course), please check out the conservative voting guides listed below (short URLs for convenience and sharing):

* FULL Voting Guide: https://tinyurl.com/yh8jhppm

* Super short for those in a hurry, includes a downloadable PDF with links: https://tinyurl.com/4he9c5mc

Big love 🥰 and best wishes to Christy and all those who share her stellar values!

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