I agree 💯 with your views. Colorado is under attack by deep state globalists and they have their sights on Idaho as well. We must stand strong against the invasion of criminal gangs. NY city has fallen, Chicago is under deep state control, California, Oregon, Arizona are struggling to maintain constitutional principles. Illegal immigration has been destroying our country economically. This is the deep state's orchestrated plan.

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Thank you for working hard for Idahoans! We support you!

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Absolutely love your ideas for protecting our nation's sovereignty by enforcing only legal immigration and protecting our borders.

We should never, ever issue driver's licenses (DLs) to illegal immigrants. I know the arguments for doing so include "safer" drivers and "financial responsibility" through insurance. But these arguments are specious at best.

One of the worst side effects of issuing illegals DLs is that licenses can be used for identification at banks, voter registration, voting locations, travel, and more. DLs for illegals is a back door to citizenship, which never should be opened. Only LEGAL immigrants should enjoy a path to citizenship.

Legal immigration steps should be clear. All immigrants should be thoroughly vetted. All must understand and buy into America's history and culture. All must be legal. Streamlining the paper work is fine, but that streamlining must not involved corner cutting or turning a blind eye.

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As a former CA resident I can absolutely attest that “the arguments for doing so include "safer" drivers and "financial responsibility" through insurance. But these arguments are specious at best.”

CA marketed those exact talking points to give illegals DLs. Complete sham. Our roads were more crowded, less safe, illegals weren’t getting more insurance; all Demonrat lies.

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