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INFORMED VOTERS: Please show up in droves on Nov 5 (avoid mail-in ballots). Low voter turnout could turn Idaho into CA, WA, OR, and all other states that are heading downhill toward all that DEI promises.

- District 8: Elect Christy Zito, Faye Thompson, and Rob Beiswenger

- Boise County: Re-elect Sheriff Scott Turner.

- Ada County. Elect a true Constitutional Sheriff, Doug Traubel.

- All Idaho Counties: Defeat Proposition 1 and pass HJR5 Constitutional Amendment.

- National elections: Defeat communism and fascism.

More details: Idaho Voting Guide (detailed with overview, updated as new info become available): https://open.substack.com/pub/eolson47/p/idaho-voting-guide-updated-91423

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