Thank you CZ! The Idaho deep state(that were overwhelmingly voted out!)still exists in small pockets in high places. It’s only those like you that’s made Idaho one of the freest states in the Republic. Except when it’s Covid mandates and water/land grabs by Governor $pineless.

You’re a star💥👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Thank you, Christy, for explaining again why it's so important for Idaho voters to VOTE NO on Proposition 1. All the lipstick 💋 in the world cannot pretty up this pig 🐽 of a proposition.

Sadly, the Idaho Supreme Court dismissed AG Labrador’s Lawsuit Against Prop 1 on procedural grounds (https://idahodispatch.com/idaho-supreme-court-dismisses-ags-lawsuit-against-prop-1-on-procedural-grounds/). So it's gonna be on the ballot and probably cannot be challenged in court unless it passes.

For more on RCV, check out these links:

🔖Full details with lots of references: https://tinyurl.com/4m8rbbun

🔖Cliff’s Notes version (short link): https://tinyurl.com/32rpxnb7

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Excellent, thank you

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