Jul 16·edited Jul 16Liked by Zito for Idaho

Thank you, Christy! I'm old enough to remember the JFK assassination. Just a terrible time in our nation's history, and only now are we starting to learn the truth. Download the article here for some insights and references into what happened: "When 5th Generation Warriors Partner with America’s Deep State Globalists, Part II." https://eolson47.substack.com/i/139335788/june-when-th-generation-warriors-partner-with-americas-deep-state-globalists-part-ii-read

For those who want some positive images from this very serious current time, see: Idaho Votes at the RNC. So proud of the Idaho Republican Delegates at RNC. This video was AWESOME! (07/15/24, video 55 sec): https://x.com/RogueLou18/status/1812946805971427837

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Thank you so very much for your research and dedication. Although I was a little young to remember JFK—a toddler at best—I do know how it changed our world. God bless!

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You're most welcome! I was in third grade on the playground when this happened (OK, call me Grandma Big E), but this made such an impression. RFK's murder was our generation's 9/11.

P.S. Once you're in office (paws crossed), feel free to call on me for research help. I'll do my best.

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I think it may be worthwhile to review the 34 presidential assasination attempts in our history in an attempt to connect the dots. They all have a few things in common that people should know so they see things as clearly today as possible. JFK, the most popular that comes to mind to many was challenging the globalists narrative and although no one named specifically, was enough.

Our government will shut down anyone that challenges the narrative that exposes their agenda of world government.

Want to fix it, abolish the abusive administrative state.

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People better pray hard. I am very disappointed that it seems no one is talking about what happens if they take him out, he dies, or makes it another term, what then? Seems like we live moment to moment taking what is thrown at us with very little attention to “what if” or future scenarios.

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What an insane weekend for America! I am praising God for keeping His hand of protection upon President Trump; that he survived the assassination attempt is nothing short of a miracle.

My hope and prayer is that despite any further attacks or election corruption, that God would grant Trump victory and that he would be used to lead America to once again become a great nation that honors and fears the Lord.

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