Thank you, Christy! I support school choice with tax credits. No strings attached. No control by federal or state agencies! No onerous accreditation, enrollment caps, tuition stipulations, or paperwork requirements. Easy for parents.

Just a thought... Question 3 in Survey (https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/KCZLN35) seems to use a double-negative. If it's not too late, consider rewording "3. I do not support parental school choice." Yes/No to "3. I support parental school choice." Yes/No. Maybe even move it to #1.

Readers interested in parental school choice also might appreciate these items:

• Nowhere To Hyde — Busting Myths About Idaho School Choice (09/11/24, video 12:49 includes transcript): https://substack.com/@bige47/note/c-68987310

• Umbrellas, Community Schools, United Way & School Board Meetings (08/16/24): https://eolson47.substack.com/p/umbrellas-community-schools-united

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I support school choice and seeing my tax dollars go to private schools.

My children are now adults, educated in private schools. My wife and I scrimped and saved to pay for it. We lived below our means, drove older cars, but it was worth every penny we spent on their education. Our oldest graduated with a Master's in Civil Engineering. Our youngest graduated with a PhD in Jurisprudence. Both are extremely successful in their chosen fields. Both excelled in college because of the education they recieved outside of the public school system.

I wish I'd had the choice to direct my tax monies to their schools!

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