22% Legislator Pay Increase?
Last month, The Citizens Committee of Legislative Compensation met to review and discuss legislator pay.
According to the Idaho Constitution, Article IV, Section 13, the authority to establish the rate of compensation and expense for the Legislature lies with a citizens’ committee, not the Legislature itself. Specifically, the section states:
“The compensation and expenses of members of the Legislature shall be fixed by a citizens’ committee, to be composed of six members, not more than two of whom shall be of the same political party, appointed by the Governor and the Supreme Court, respectively.”
The Idaho Legislature cannot vote for a pay increase; the Idaho Constitution does not explicitly prohibit lawmakers from rejecting or reducing the approved pay increase.
The first recommendation the committee discussed was a 43% legislator pay increase, Recommended by Speaker of the House Mike Moyle, minority leader Illana Rubell, Senate Pro-Tem Chuck Winder, and Minority Leader Melissa Wintrow.
After some debate, the committee rejected this amount and put the topic on hold for another meeting.
The Committee recommended a HUGE 22% increase in legislator pay at the next meeting.
I am confident that the forgotten men and women of Idaho who work hard to pay their taxes have not received a 22% increase in pay this year.
At a time when inflation is causing deep hardship for many in LD 8 and across the state of Idaho, an increase of this magnitude is NOT CONSERVATIVE.
Many Idahoans struggle to put food on the table for their families, paying the outrageous tax on groceries and ensuring their children have warm clothes for the winter months.
I cannot, in good faith, accept a 22% increase in salary when Idahoans are struggling. It is my responsibility to spend your money wisely and CONSERVATIVELY.
Let's see how the State of Idaho has spent your money.
Idaho has increased the State budget by 55% in just 5 YEARS. This increase far surpasses the cost-of-living adjustments, and population increases year over year. Does that sound like conservative budgeting or liberal budgeting?
Last year, 40% of the state budget was federal dollars. Every dollar taken by federal dollars comes with shackles; every dollar is debt that my grandchildren, your grandchildren, and many generations will have to pay back; Congress hasn’t been able to balance a budget in over 30 years, and it is more than $36 Trillion in DEBT.
Link to the federal debt clock here:
A 22% legislator pay increase is another step towards a FULL-TIME legislature. I pride myself on knowing that Idaho is a part-time legislature, and it's a calling to SERVE.
Article III, Section 6, specifies that the legislature shall convene annually, with regular sessions. Special sessions may be called by the governor or by a majority vote of both houses.
Idaho legislators gather briefly to pass a budget and represent the people we serve; then, we are to return home to our careers, lives, and families like normal people.
Our system was not intended to create career politicians who serve the interests of ill-willed lobbyists.
These jobs are not to be homesteaded.
The Idaho Legislature can reject the 22% raise if they choose to. This can be done by a concurrent resolution introduced at the beginning of this upcoming legislative session. The Idaho Legislature has rejected a raise, with 2009 being the latest example.
I am a FIRM NO to the 22% increase in legislator pay. I am the floor sponsor of a concurrent resolution REJECTING this increase.
This legislature must provide real tax relief for the people of Idaho. The Idaho budget is bloated, and spending is out of control, just like in Washington, D.C. This must be addressed before such an increase is even considered.
Has your legislator publicly rejected the 22% increase in their pay? Contact them here to find out and ask them yourself;
Now, as we embark on the new adventure of 2025, and all the blessings and challenges it will bring, never forget to live with joy.
I remember this song well; I was knee-deep in babies when this came out. Enjoy, celebrate, and cherish the small joys and blessings!!!
May God hold you and your loved ones in His hand.
Things move fast during the session. Don't hesitate to contact me with your concerns or anything I can help with. I am YOUR VOICE at the Capitol.
God bless,
Senator Christy Zito
Elmore, Valley, Boise & Custer Counties
“We need patriots who will serve in our state capitals to fight federal overreach and stand firm against those — in both parties — who prioritize seizing political power over representing constituents.” (State Freedom Caucus Network)
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Full time leads to corruption not service. Thank you for your service. Always easy to spend someone else’s money.
Hi Christy and I thank you for being my State Senator. I know that you will do well to support our district. I support a part-time legislature. However, I hve some concerns about how a candidate for office could run for an elected office of a few months with a frugal income, unless being wealthy or having family continue the business.