Full time leads to corruption not service. Thank you for your service. Always easy to spend someone else’s money.

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Hi Christy and I thank you for being my State Senator. I know that you will do well to support our district. I support a part-time legislature. However, I hve some concerns about how a candidate for office could run for an elected office of a few months with a frugal income, unless being wealthy or having family continue the business.

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Most legislators are employed, own businesses, have outside income, or are retired. Many take time away from their businesses or jobs in order to serve.

You can find short bios and contact information for each legislator here:

* Senate: https://legislature.idaho.gov/senate/membership/

* House: https://legislature.idaho.gov/house/membership/

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Thank you!

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Mam. Don’t run for political office. It’s a cluster of soul stealing emotion grabbing histrionics and drama producing nothing of value. You will be told “how it works around here” and soon, of you don’t comply you’ll never see a subcommittee membership or chairmanship. Stay home. It’s all only kibuki theater.

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Thank you so much for your wise words. We DO NOT want a full time legislature gathering to concoct more laws, regulations and rules. We need our citizen legislators to uphold the U.S. and Idaho Constitutions, to meet regularly for a limited time and do what is not done in D.C., balance the budget, cut the waste, fraud and abuse and keep Idaho from becoming just another state with full time politicians feathering their nests!

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Thank you, Christy, for standing strong for small government and short legislative sessions.

While looking at pay and other issues, I also beseech you and your colleagues to convert proposed health and freedom bills into law and to support them in your committees and the Senate floor. A huge portion of our Idaho and US budget goes to health care, treating heath care harms ("sick care")," or restricting our freedoms. And much of this funding comes, like you said, from the feds, with strings attached. While Idaho claims to balance its budget, it does using money that comes from the out-of-control totally unbalanced federal budget -- money from all taxpayers, not just Idahoans!

We could save a bunch of money, improve our economy, and help citizens thrive if we enacted health and freedom bills with teeth.

Please see:

Health Freedom & Other Solutions for Idaho & Beyond. Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. Sample Bills, References & Links: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/health-freedom-and-other-solutions

These proposals/bills will make Idaho one of the strongest proponents of freedom, not just in the country but in the world. With freedom, we can grow our economy (the opposite of what happened during COVID countermeasures) and ensure a state that thrives. These are bold proposals, but our legislators must be brave and bold to succeed.

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Christy.....You da Woman!

JK Valley County

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