Jul 29Liked by Zito for Idaho

The current property tax system is a recipe for future disaster. It must be abolished and replaced with a consumption based revenue system. A county by county sales tax seems the most obvious replacement and will hold local officials accountable to the taxpayers.

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I’d like to see less government. If that means less state and federal employees so be it.

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Thank you for listening to the people of Idaho!

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Did you see the new Substack article on health freedom bills and why we need them?

Health Freedom & Other Solutions for Idaho. 🔥Important definitions (informed consent, EUA, nullification). 7 Steps to freedom. Sample Bills, References & Links. SHARE! 🆕 We will do post-publication updates as needed. By BIG E (09/14/24)

🔗 Link: https://open.substack.com/pub/eolson47/p/health-freedom-and-other-solutions

➡️ Short Note (for quick sharing & email): https://tinyurl.com/3sznzcy5

We hope our best legislators will bring these to the floor and the Gov will sign them! The authors put in many hours of deep research and several people contributed ideas for these proposed bills.

Please read and share the article or the Note describing it.

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I suscribe to Glenneda. You and her should consolidate.

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I take that as a compliment. Thank you Russ, for everything!

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