"New legislators listened to Legislative Services presentations. New legislators were told how they should behave. That is not the place of a bureaucratic agency...legislators were told to “trust” the lobbyists who are paid to influence decisions and votes. These are big business entities, hospitals, unions, etc. ..."

The above is both sad and disgusting. Our legislators -- new and seasoned -- must NOT listen to lobbyists, IACI, and any others who wish to bully you. We know you will stay strong in your commitment to the citizens who elected you, Christy, and we hope you will be an example to all the others who also must resist the intimidation, money, and power of these entities.

And please, please, please add health freedom to your list of important priorities. No one is bravely talking about these issues (other than MAHA) but everyone must be. We essentially lost these freedoms to public/private interests -- especially during the COVID tyranny -- but in other areas too. We must restore these freedoms and ensure they are never stolen from us again.

Several people worked to put together a one-stop page to inspire lawmakers in this direction. So we share it here, again:

Health Freedom & Other Solutions for Idaho & Beyond: https://eolson47.substack.com/p/health-freedom-and-other-solutions

[ Given the new makeup of committee leadership and committees, we may not realize our goals, but we must try anyway. ]

Thank you, Christy. We look forward to having you stand as a warrior for Idaho citizens. Much weight on your shoulders, but you have so many behind you in support.

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I understand people wanting to get rid of the grocery tax. I personally feel that the Socialist/Communist/Marxist property tax should be eliminated. People buy their property with taxed money and they improve their property with taxed money. The problem is they never truly own their property. They have to pay the property tax every year or risk losing their property to the government. Time for this tax to be abolished.

Thank you for all you do and have done for Idaho residents.

Paul Morey

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Thank you very much. I do not live in the zone you represent, but I surely am glad to see you represent Boise. I am hoping you can bring some sense to the legislators and government in your work there.

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While Senators or Representatives are elected by their districts, they represent (or should represent) the interests of all Idahoans. Their bills and votes affect all of us.

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